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Foundation Course in Art & Design, Totnes

Having once studied and thoroughly enjoyed a year long Art and Design Foundation Course, in Suffolk, in the mid 90’s, I recently had the opportunity to meet with the students on this years Foundation Diploma in Art and Design, this time in Totnes, Devon.

The Totnes Foundation course is unique in Devon because it is taught over five days a week. Most distinctively it underpins all art and design practice with an emphasis upon the central importance of drawing and the formal elements.

Regarded by art colleges as the best grounding for BA Degree level study, the modern Foundation Course has its roots partly in the preliminary course run at the Bauhaus, Germany, from 1919 to 1933. Bauhaus teaching encouraged radical thinking and material experimentation.

This year-long course gives students the opportunity to explore various art and design disciplines, experiment with a range of materials, methods and approaches, and build a portfolio of work.

There are four curriculum areas; Three Dimensional Design and Architecture, Fashion and Textiles, Fine Art and Visual Communication.

I very much enjoyed meeting everyone and felt the college to be a very friendly and warm environment. It was a pleasure to talk with the students, to see their creative portfolios and talk them through what a BA Course and eventual working in the art and design industry is likely to be like.

Life Drawing

Foundation Course in Art & Design, Suffolk, 1995


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