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Studioamano Design. Planning your Garden.

We are incorporating 5 elements into the design of our current garden project.


Wildflower Garden

Why not say 'no' to the mower and create a beautiful wildflower meadow garden. Once established it's easy to maintain and will bring you an explosion of colourful blooms, year after year. It will also attract all sorts of insects, in particular butterflies.

In the wildflower garden we have sown: Yarrow, Agrimony, Common Knapweed, Wild Carrot, Hedge Bedstraw, Lady's Bedstraw, Meadow Crane's-bill, Field Scabious, Rough Hawkbit, Oxeye Daisy, Musk Mallow, Ribwort Plantain, Cowslip, Selfheal, Meadow Buttercup, Bulbous Buttercup, Yellow Rattle, Common Sorrel, Bladder Campion, Dandelion, Common Vetch, Bluebells, Poppies.

Benefits: an important home for pollinators, help to store carbon and create healthier animals and food sources.


Vegetable, Herb & Fruit Garden

Decide early in the year what produce you would like to grow. Some vegetable seeds can be direct sown into the ground, others prefer to be potted up, nurtured as seedlings and then transferred into the garden as the weather warms towards April and May.

In this garden design we have sown: Radish, Lettuce, Curly Kale, Purple Sprouting Broccoli, Sweetcorn, Sweet Peppers, Chilli Peppers, Carrots, Beetroot, Spinach, Peas, Tomatoes, Swiss Chard and Courgette.

In the Fruit Garden we have sown: Rhubarb, Red Currants and Gooseberries.

In the Herb Garden we have sown: Chives, Mint, Coriander, Parsley, Sage and Thyme.

Benefits: edible produce all year round


Cut Flower Garden

A cut flower garden allows you to bring fresh blooms into your home all through the spring, summer and autumn. We have chosen particularly fragrant flowers and bold blooms. Keep cutting & they will produce more and more fantastic flowers.

In the cut flower garden we have sown: Sweet Peas, Peonies, Foxgloves, Nasturtium, Straw Flowers, Sweet Williams and Lilac.

Benefits: visual colour, fragrance, ideal for vases indoors



The Rowan, placed in the front-centre of the garden is an elegant tree with a mystical history. It's leaves and berries are a favourite for wildlife. Native trees with berries such as rowan provide food throughout the year.

The garden also benefits from an established apple tree, whose canopy is partially above the garden. This produces beautiful apple blossom in April and rosy apples in the autumn.

The UK needs more trees, why not consider planting one?

Benefits: shade, food for wildlife



For this garden, we chose simple furniture pieces that blend into the garden over time. A cafe chair and table set in light green tones and two cotton fabric deck chairs in a mustard tone that reflects the colour of some of the wild flowers surrounding it.

Benefits: a place to reflect on the beauty of nature, relaxation, a place to eat outdoors

Are you planning your garden? Why not contact us for assistance with the design and specification of landscaping, structures, plants and furniture.

We love what we do and take a thoughtful, creative and practical approach to each project we work on, to overcome design challenges, no matter the project size or setting.


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