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Wellbeing: Water. Natural Elements in Interior Design

Throughout history, philosophers and physicians have recognised water’s incredible healing power. Here are three ways to benefit from the natural properties of water in your home.


Water as Therapy

Water of varying temperatures and pressures is known to be a therapeutic agent. Opt for a large shower head in a shower room or an outdoor garden shower, with controls that allow a luxurious flow of water, to create a spa atmosphere.

Have you considered installing a steam shower in your home? There are many self contained steam showers available or they can be bespoke designed into a wet room, for a really luxurious home spa.

The Health Benefits of a Steam Shower

Improved Circulation, Recovery after Injury, Stiffness and Joint Pain, Skin Care, Detoxification, Fighting off Colds, Stimulated Cardiovascular System, Improved Metabolism and Weight Loss, Stress Management and Relaxation.


Water as Cleanser

Water is known to be the best and the most natural hydrating liquid.

The Health Benefits of Drinking Water

Water promotes cardiovascular health, keeps muscles and joints working, and helps cleanse toxins from your body. Staying hydrated also helps balance your blood sugar, helps relieve headaches, and promotes healthy skin.

It's best to filter water if its from the tap or to buy fresh bottled mineral water. Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the working day. Why not invest in a decorative jug with a set of glasses and place them in your home office.


Water as Focus

Adding a landscape water feature to a garden brings a focus to the outdoor space and fosters relaxation and peace. Flowing water calms the mind and revives the spirit.

The Benefits of a Water Feature

Flowing water soothes the soul. Running water attracts wildlife and looks appealing in a garden. It can also Improve air quality and reduce noise pollution. A flowing water feature will mask nearby noise pollution while releasing a continuous flow of negative ions.

At studioamano we love, simple, sculptural water features made from natural materials such as stone, copper or marble.


Creating distinctive environments that are authentic, contemporary and characterful.

Creating places that offer the chance to be, pause, reflect and grow.

Places that nurture the soul.


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